French pressure groups, such as SIRRMIET, along with companies like Dipli, recently published an op-ed in Le Monde urging the newly-formed French government to prioritize the circular economy. They are calling for the appointment of a dedicated Minister for the Circular Economy, potentially the first of its kind worldwide. The authors emphasize the numerous benefits a robust circular economy could bring to France, including job creation, lower living costs, and positive environmental impact. We believe this initiative is a strong move that deserves to be followed by other European Union countries.
English summary of opinion article in Le Monde
As the French electorate calls for a new direction in governance, the next administration will face immense pressure to implement policies that serve the broader public interest. Despite the many contentious issues at hand, there is one policy area capable of uniting economic sovereignty, reindustrialization, job creation, consumer power, and climate urgency: the circular economy.
Far from being a secondary topic, the circular economy is about extending the lifespan of materials and products through eco-design, repair, reuse, and ultimately, recycling when other options are exhausted. Fully embracing a circular economy could cut France's carbon footprint by 45%, reduce dependence on imported goods and raw materials, and create new jobs by revitalizing domestic industries.
Currently, the circular economy in France supports 600,000 jobs, particularly in sectors where the alternative—often highly polluting new products—is manufactured halfway across the globe. By scaling up these practices, an additional 500,000 jobs could be created. France already possesses a strategic advantage in this domain, with pioneering expertise in areas like automotive repair and smartphone refurbishment, thanks to the historic contributions of artisans, the Social and Solidarity Economy, and now a wave of startups, SMEs, industrial leaders, associations, and local authorities.
Beyond environmental and economic benefits, the circular economy offers substantial savings for consumers. Refurbished products are typically 30-40% cheaper than new ones and repairing items instead of replacing them can save up to 70% of the cost. Despite these advantages, the circular economy has struggled to gain the political traction it deserves in public debates.
However, in a time when diverse political interests must find common ground, the circular economy stands out as a golden opportunity. Legislation on the circular economy has often received unanimous support across the political spectrum, for good reason. It addresses the core concerns of French citizens: purchasing power, local employment, economic sovereignty, and environmental preservation.
Despite these promising outlooks, much work remains. To mainstream these practices, entrepreneurs, industrialists, and circular economy stakeholders from all sectors are calling for a national strategy to scale up and become competitive. This strategy requires political leadership—specifically, the appointment of a Minister dedicated to advancing the circular economy.
It is illogical to continue a linear economy that discards 93% of what it produces while importing goods that could be sourced locally. Local businesses and organizations are proving daily that it is possible to decouple wealth creation from the exploitation of natural resources. They are ready to amplify their efforts and impact, but they need public support to do so.
The time to act is now, and the benefits are clear. What is the political leadership waiting for?

